About Us

Last updated 240630




Streamlined Backshop is the retail outlet for my exclusive products as well as an amazing selection of the finest DCC products available for the Worlds Greatest Hobby.
Please don't hesitate to ask questions about these products or services.  I am here to help.
This is still a part-time, home-based venture but hey, you have to start somewhere.  It is my hope to become a brick-and-mortar establishment one day but until then, just think of us as your friendly OHS (On-line Hobby Shop).  I am proud to say that this is a legal, tax-paying business entity on record with the United States Internal Revenue Service and a registered retail merchant on file with the State of Alabama Department of Revenue.  I hope you will consider this in your search for suppliers and partners.
I will make every effort to be available for your questions and expedient with your order.  Email is the fastest and most reliable method of communication.  If you do not receive a response within 48-hours, something has probably gone wrong.  Please try again.  Your questions and comments are very important to me.
The phone works also, but not always as well.  I generally do not answer calls unless I recognize the number so please leave a message and I will return your call at my earliest convenience.
Be sure to see our ads in Model Railroad Hobbyist and Model Railroad Resource magazines.
Thanks for your interest, your patience and your patronage.

Welcome to Streamlined Backshop!  Read more about us here...

The Backshop – Bryan Vianco

Backshop Installations – Steven Fields