The C&SW Operations Primer
Last Updated 241229 - Page Under Construction
When I first started in the hobby of model railroading, I loved to send trains into orbit on my 4x8 and fiddle with cars and electricals and such. Somewhere along the way, I picked up a copy of xxx and started reading about operations. That prodigious text led me the OpSIG and the concept of model railroad operations. I found a Microsoft Access CC&WB database on the Yahoo OpSIG group and created some car cards and waybills for the original C&SW and the bulb shone bright... This is Model Railroading!
A half dozen layouts and couple versions of operating schemes later, here we are at the C&SW II and my current attempt at modeling a railroad.
Key elements of the current iteration of Operating Plan include the following systems:
JMRI - OperationsPro for Operations and Traffic Management System
HiveID - TrainTraxx RFID/NFC Car Inventory and Tracking Management System
The original Access Database Locomotive Blue Card Inspection Management System