
RR-CirKits Tower LCC+Q

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Tower LCC+Q
  • RR-CirKits Tower LCC+Q
  • RR-CirKits Tower LCC+Q
  • RR-CirKits Tower LCC+Q
  • RR-CirKits Tower LCC+Q
  • RR-CirKits Tower LCC+Q
MSRP: CAD $100.49
Price: CAD $80.39
— You save CAD $20.10

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RR-CirKits Tower LCC+Q

General Purpose 16 Line Input/Output node for NMRA CAN bus LCC® PLUS Text based Logic Engine. Logic level interface compatible with other standard RR-CirKits I/O modules. Boot Loader for user installable firmware upgrades. Includes new more powerful internal Logic Engine. Also compatible with JMRI. Small package size. Just 1-3/4" x 3-1/4" x 5/8". POC (Powered Over CAN) LCC® connections*. *Note: Requires a powered LCC bus. [20 ma. bus load] (plus any I/O load current such as LEDs)

Tower-LCC Features:

  • NMRA CAN bus LCC® 16 Line Logic Level Interface.
  • Each line may be used as an Input and/or an Output. (up to 6 EventIDs per line)
  • Powered directly from LCC® bus connections*. *Note: Requires a powered LCC bus. [20 ma. bus load] (plus I/O module current)
  • On board Switching Regulator provides 5V power for external interface modules.
  • Includes new more powerful internal Logic Engine. Also compatible with JMRI.
  • Dual RJ45 connectors for easy LCC® loop through connections.
  • Dual 10 Pin I/O connectors. (+5V, Gnd, and 8 data lines per connector)
  • 4 LEDs display status. (Power, Activity, Blue, and Gold)
  • Small package size. Just 1-¾" x 3-1/4" x 5/8".
  • Ready to run unit. – Nothing extra to purchase.
  • Standard 125,000 Baud CAN bus LCC interface speed. – No jumpers or switches to set.
  • Boot Loader for user installable firmware upgrades. (JMRI 4.6 or later)
  • State Check. NVRAM to Remember States of I/O lines and Logic through power cycles.

9 Tower LCC+Q compatible Input/Output Cards

The RR-CirKits Tower LCC+Q and its compatible I/O modules are designed to be clipped into Tyco 3-1/4" Snap-Track® mounted to the bench work. (Snap-Track® is a plastic channel designed to mount PC cards to a chassis, not something to run trains on.)

A single Tower LCC+Q or compatible I/O module fits into the 3TK2-1 (single) mounting track. Other widths are available for compact installations using multiple boards.

Each I/O module is equipped with two connectors to facilitate these I/O board connections. Use IDC connectors and ribbon cables to connect the Tower LCC+Q to the I/O cards.

9.1 BOD-4 (DCC Block Occupancy Detector - 4 block plus 4 I/O)

This board operates as a DCC block occupancy detector for 4 blocks using remote CT coils. It outputs logic levels, and has a RR-CirKits standard ribbon connector interface. The "Power-Lok" feature optionally monitors the DCC bus power. A power failure latches the detection status of each block until power is restored and re-stabilized. There are also 4 general purpose I/O connections fed through to the driver board.

9.2 BOD4-CP (DCC BOD 4 block, 4 Inputs, plus 2 turnout drivers)

This board operates as a DCC occupancy detector for 4 blocks using remote CT coils. It outputs logic levels, and has a RR-CirKits standard ribbon connector interface. The "Power-Lok" feature optionally monitors the DCC bus power. A power failure latches the detection status of each block until power is restored and re-stabilized. The CP version also includes dual turnout drivers. When used with the Tower LCC+Q or Signal LCC boards there are also 4 general purpose I/O connections available using the Sample options.

9.3 BOD-8 (DCC Block Occupancy Detector - 8 block)

The BOD-8 does not expect you to re-wire your layout to bring track feeders to the detector cards. The small CT (Current Transformer) detection coils are placed directly on the track feeders where they belong. Simple lengths of Cat-5 cable are the usual way to run the signals back to the detector boards. Use of CT coils means that there are no track voltage losses associated with the detectors. Normal detection levels are 1mA. but may be adjusted to higher levels with on board pots.

During a DCC bus power failure the Power-Lok input on the BOD-8 instantly locks the current state of each block detector. I.e. the state of the layout does NOT change during a DCC power outage, neither to all occupied, nor to all vacant. It just suspends sending any occupancy changes until after power is restored and things have stabilized again. If you do not want the feature there is a jumper to disable it.

The BOD-8 outputs are low during detection so the Tower LCC+Q should be configured accordingly.

It is planned to build a ‘Detector LCC’ board that will combine the LCC interface and a detector card.

9.4 OIB-8 (Opto Isolator Board - 8 input)

This 8 input board is used when a non-isolated source of voltage needs to be monitored and input to the Tower LCC. One example would be to monitor the DCC voltage on a set of points to determine the position of a turnout without using auxiliary contacts.

This board may be configured to monitor the absence or presence of an AC or DC signal. This board requires 10mA. for reliable operation and includes built in current limiters.

9.5 SCSD-8 (Single Coil Solenoid Driver)

The SCSD-8 Output Module is designed to drive individual solenoid coils or other high voltage high power devices. Normally the input voltage should not exceed 27VDC. The SCSD-8 board is optically isolated from the driving circuitry to protect the Tower LCC+Q or other control device from the high power outputs. When driving single coils or high power loads configure the line as a steady output.

By using the proper options on the Tower LCC+Q the SCSD-8 may also be used to control dual coil momentary switch machines. In 'Dual Coil' mode the output lines must be paired such that the pair of lines requires just single address pair. However reverse the two EventIDs. This action will normally require a 0.1 second pulse when driving solenoids.

The lines are paired and only the primary event of the first line of each pair will be used to trigger a pulse.

Dual coil operation should not be attempted if the switch machine power supply is not of the capacitive discharge type that will limit the long term current to a low value in case of hardware or configuration errors.

Failure to observe this precaution may result in destruction of equipment and be a fire hazard!

9.6 SMD-8 (Stall Motor Driver – 8 line)

The SMD-8 board contains 8 individual, optically isolated, H-Bridge drivers. This allows the board to be powered from any supply between 9 Volts and 27 Volts. It is primarily designed to drive stall motor turnout machines such as those found in Tortoise® and Switchcraft® machines . Do not exceed 20VAC or 27VDC at the power input.

This board includes an adjustable buck switching regulator to allow you to control the speed of your switch machine motors. This regulator can not boost the drive voltage above the supply voltage.

9.7 RB-4 (Relay Board - 4 x SPDT)

Relay Board - 4 is a Quad 10A SPDT relay board with logic level drivers. It is suitable for use with Tower LCC+Q or other logic level output devices. It requires 12V auxiliary power to drive the relay coils. Auxiliary power is optically isolated from the logic inputs for double isolation. LED indicators for each relay make it easy to monitor activity.

Includes dual ribbon connectors with offset lines to allow easy connection as output 1-4, or output 5-8, of the Tower LCC, or other driver.

The RB-4 input lines are active low so all lines on this Tower LCC+Q port should be configured appropriately. This inverted input mode matches most types of driver outputs, and the drive polarity may be easily switched either in the Tower LCC+Q configuration or by reversing the RB-4 output contacts.

9.8 RB-2 (Dual DPDT Relay Board)

This board is a convenient way to reverse track polarity by using logic in place of Auto Reverse devices. In many cases track polarity may be calculated. In these cases using a DPDT relay is more cost effective and easier on the equipment. Some examples include the tail track of a simple “Y” and the turnout feeding a reverse loop. In both of these cases the required polarity change follows the turnout position.

9.9 BOB-S (Break Out Board – Screw Terminal)

This board is a convenient way to convert from 10 pin ribbon cable to screw terminals. It may be used for inputs or outputs.

Do not exceed 5V on any input or output or the Tower LCC+Q will be damaged.

The BOB-S may be mounted to a panel or stringer using #4 or smaller screws and spacers.


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0 x 0 x 0 in
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